obsessive licking

Why is my dog licking so much that a sore spot forms?

Pet-owners want to know: Why is my dog licking so much that a sore spot forms?

It’s a lot like kids who suck their thumb — once the habit starts, it’s hard to break. Here’s what you need to know about causes and treatment.

A dog’s list of annoying habits can often be endless. Obsessive itching, licking, scratching, urinating on your favorite rug, jumping up on people— endless. Similar habits, such as dog licking that is taken to self-harm levels, that results in the dog developing sores called lick granulomas.

Maybe you’ve seen this: a raised, red sore on a front leg that your dog licks at obsessively. Or perhaps you never seen your dog lick, but the sore is there all the same.

Chances are you told your dog to stop, so they learned to become secretive about licking. Well, these sores are surprisingly common.

Why your dog is constantly licking one spot

Dogs aren’t much different from us. Once the habit starts, it’s hard to break.

The reason is that the dog licking releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. The dog licks, it feels good, and the dog doesn’t want to stop licking.

You may hear your vet refer to the condition as acral lick dermatitis, or ALD, where dogs are licking their legs so much that sores developed.

Studies have shown that when nature’s own morphine-like substances — the endorphins — are involved in ALD, because affected dogs’ self-licking behavior decreased dramatically when the dogs were treated with endorphin antagonists. Since endorphins are released when stress arises, it can be confirmed that licking appears in situations where stress is involved.

Possible Health-Related Causes of the Licking

For most dogs, the habit starts with a trigger in the form of an itch, ache or infection.

It may be that the dog has arthritis or an allergy, and rather than lick the specific spot, the dog chooses a comfortable place to lick — which is often a forearm or paw.

Common triggers:

  • Arthritis

  • Parasitic infection that causes a general itch

  • A bacterial skin infection

  • Ringworm

  • Skin allergies triggering an itch

More than half of dogs with acral lick dermatitis are suspected to have concurrent fear- or anxiety-based conditions or both (e.g., separation anxiety, noise phobia, anxiety-related aggression).

The Derma Dilemma

The problem is that a veterinarian cannot give the owner a specific recipe for a cure. The skin lesions will heal slightly, almost seem like they are going to heal, but then overnight (or during the day while left alone) the lick granuloma is activated by the dog licking the area raw once again.

Even worse, some dogs will simply switch to licking the other leg if you restrict their ability to lick the first leg by wrapping it in a cast, creating an even more annoying problem—now there are 2 lick granulomas!

Does Your Dog Do This? If So, Act Quickly.

If your dog starts to lick obsessively, seek the help of your veterinarian. Getting to the bottom of the cause, and early treatment, is the best way to stop the problem from becoming ingrained.

Alongside treating the lick granuloma, your vet may want to run tests to investigate any underlying problems.

Treatment of Lick Granulomas / Sore Spots in Dogs

Think of this as a 2-pronged attack: tackling both the sores and the underlying cause.

Lick granulomas are frustrating because even with successful treatment, the dog is likely to relapse. To stand any chances of long-term success, therapy must continue for at least 4 weeks after the symptoms have ceased.

Treating the sores:

  • Antibiotics or antifungals

  • Local anesthetic creams

  • Anti-inflammatory medications (to reduce the skin tingle)

  • Bandages or an Elizabethan collar (“cone of shame”)

  • Mood-modifying drugs

Your vet may try one or a combination of the treatments above.

Frustratingly, putting an Elizabethan collar on doesn’t work well because as soon as it is removed, the licking starts again and the dog will activate the lesion all over again.

Addressing the underlying triggers:

  • The first step is to find out what they are. This could mean blood tests, skin biopsies or radiographs.

  • In the case of allergies, starting the dog on a hypoallergenic diet is a great idea, as is testing for environmental allergens.

  • Regular parasite treatments against fleas and mites are crucial to keep parasitic itches at bay.

Ultimately, to find the right solution for your dog, speak with your vet.

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Excessive Shedding and How to Stop or Minimize It

Dogs naturally lose old or damaged hair by shedding. Although shedding is a normal process for dogs, the amount and frequency of hair that is shed often depends upon their health and breed type. It can also depend on the season-many dogs develop thick coats in the winter that are then shed in the spring. Dogs who are always kept indoors, however, are prone to smaller fluctuations in coat thickness and tend to shed fairly evenly all year.

How Can I Minimize My Dog's Shedding?

While you cannot stop a healthy dog from normal shedding, you can reduce the amount of hair in your home by brushing your dog regularly. Your veterinarian or groomer should be able to recommend a specific type of brush or comb that will work best for your dog’s hair type.

What Would Make a Dog Shed Excessively?

What seems like excessive shedding can be normal for some dogs, but it can also be the result of stress, poor nutrition, or a medical problem. Your veterinarian can best determine if your dog’s hair loss is part of the normal shedding process or is a symptom of an underlying disorder. Excessive shedding can sometimes be prevented through proper nutrition. Quality pet-food manufacturers work hard to include the right amount of nutrients so that supplements are not needed, but dogs with allergies and/or sensitivities still might need to experiment with different brands and formulations to discover which food works best for them. We recommend that you consult your veterinarian for advice on what foods will best suit your dog.

Excessive hair loss or bald patches may be due to one of the following:

  • Parasites (fleas, lice or mites)

  • Fungal or bacterial infections

  • Inhalant or food-related allergies

  • Kidney, liver, thyroid or adrenal disease (including Cushing’s)

  • Pregnancy or lactation

  • Certain medications

  • Self-induced trauma due to licking

  • Cancer

  • Immune disease

  • Sunburn

  • Contact with irritating or caustic substances

When Is it Time to See the Vet?

If you notice any of the following conditions, or if your dog’s initial skin problem persists for more than a week, consult with your veterinarian for treatment.

  • Skin irritation, including redness, bumps, rashes or scabs

  • Open sores of any kind

  • Bald spots or thinning of coat

  • Dull, dry hair that pulls out easily

  • Scratching

  • Constant foot licking or face rubbing

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