infectious gastroenteritis

Get to Know Your Dog’s Digestive System

A healthy digestive system is essential to your dog’s well-being. The digestive system serves many important functions: it takes in food, absorbs nutrients, maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, and gets rid of waste.

It also covers a lot of area. The digestive tract includes the oral cavity (salivary glands, tongue, teeth), esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver, pancreas, rectum, and anus.

The canine digestive system isn’t the most glamorous topic, but understanding how it works puts you in a better position to determine if your dog is sick and needs to be seen by a vet. It can also guide you in making decisions that will enhance their health.

Here are 7 interesting facts about your dog's gastrointestinal tract and health!

1. Dogs Get Heartburn, Too

Dogs can get indigestion and heartburn just like humans.

In the fasted state, stomach acids are very similar in people and dogs. After eating, however, dogs produce more acid than we do.

Our similarities mean that dogs and people benefit from the same antacids. But before giving your dog an over-the-counter antacid, talk to your veterinarian. You will want to be sure you aren’t risking any potential drug interactions or side effects.

Veterinarians can also provide you with important usage guidance for antacids to ensure you are not putting your pet’s health at risk.

But more stomach acid doesn’t translate to letting your dog eat potentially contaminated foods. Dogs are no less sensitive to food poisoning (bacterial contamination) than are people. The practice of feeding raw meat to dogs carries a demonstrated risk of food poisoning.

2. Food Moves Through a Dog's GI Tract Three Times as Fast

Dogs have a small intestine that occupies about 25% of the total gastrointestinal volume, which is consistent with other omnivores, including people. The small intestine of a cat, a true carnivore, occupies only 15%.

On average, food moves through the canine stomach a bit slower than ours, but food movement through the intestines is a little faster. Gastrointestinal transit time is six to eight hours for dogs, while in people it’s between 20 and 30 hours.

3. Dogs Can’t Chew Side to Side

You’ve probably noticed that your dog can’t chew side to side. The dog’s jaw only allows for up and down motion when chewing, whereas people have side-to-side movement that allows more grinding of food.

The difference probably has to do with our historical diets. The wolf-like ancestors of dogs ate mostly meat that could be easily ripped and swallowed, but people also relied on gathering or farming plant material that required more chewing.

4. Most Dogs Can Digest and Absorb Carbs

But modern dogs are considered omnivores, just like we are. They originally ate a carnivorous diet in the wild, but since they have been domesticated, adaptions have been made that allow them to digest and utilize plant-based nutrients.

True carnivores, like cats, have a higher nutritional requirement for taurine, arachidonic acid and certain vitamins, which are available in animal fat and protein sources.

Omnivores don’t have a higher requirement for these and create their own arachidonic acid from vegetable oils. Most normal dogs have no difficulty digesting and absorbing carbohydrates. So, there is no benefit to feeding grain-free diets to normal dogs.

5. Cholesterol Doesn’t Impact a Dog’s Health

Your doctor may advise you to lower your cholesterol level, but you won’t hear the same concerns echoed at the vet’s office. Cholesterol does not have the same effect on your dog’s heart, and their digestive systems are designed to accommodate animal fat.

Dogs also don’t have the same issues with colon cancer, so the idea that eating foods high in soluble fiber or low in saturated or trans-fats will provide any health benefit is really unknown at this point.

Vets say one of the keys to health is keeping your dog at a healthy weight. Obesity is related to exacerbation of many health problems in dogs and is a vet’s number one battle. If it’s any one thing that we can do, it’s talk to our vets about how to curb obesity.

6. Diarrhea and Vomiting May Be Bigger Problems Than You Thought

Gastrointestinal diseases account for about 10% of veterinary visits. Diarrhea is one of the most frequent clinical signs. Abnormal stool may also be a first symptom of a more systemic disease process, such as kidney, liver, and some endocrine disorders.

Vomiting is also a common symptom. An acute bout may resolve itself over a day or two—vets will often recommend a short, 12-hour period of fasting to “rest” the GI tract, followed by a bland diet of chicken and rice. But when the clinical signs continue or are especially severe, testing is often recommended to attempt to find out what may be causing the distress.

Imbalances with other organs, such as the kidneys, can also cause gastrointestinal signs. It is important to see your vet to determine the best treatment for your dog.

7. Your Dog’s Poop Tells a Lot About Their Health

You can learn a lot about your dog’s health by studying her poop (an unpleasant, but necessary task).

There are a variety of causes for abnormal stool. Most episodes of acute onset diarrhea are typically self-limiting within a few days, as dietary indiscretions are a frequent cause.

Parasites, bacteria, and viruses may also cause diarrhea. Depending on the underlying cause, the animal may or may not need appropriate treatment for the infectious agent. If diarrhea persists for several days, and/or there is blood in the stool, the animal should be examined by a veterinarian who can determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

On the other hand, if your dog isn’t pooping and is straining to defecate, they may be constipated, which if prolonged, may cause serious health issues.

One important takeaway is to contact your vet if you notice anything suspicious. Even short episodes of diarrhea or constipation that occur periodically, especially in combination with other signs, like weight loss and loss of appetite, may indicate a more complicated disease process.

Another key point is that you regularly monitor your dog’s poop habits. It is important for the owner to daily monitor how often the animal defecates and the consistency of the stool. There is some variation between animals and also variation from day-to-day, with some animals having consistently softer stools or harder stools than others. But generally, with time, the owners should be able to establish what’s normal for their animal.

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Stomach Flu with Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is identified by blood in the vomit and/or stool, often due to a food borne illness. Because it is a serious disorder that can be potentially fatal, immediate veterinary care is required.


Continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea are the most common symptoms.

Other symptoms include:

  • Lethargy

  • Listlessness

  • Anorexia

  • Weight loss

  • Fluid loss

  • Electrolyte imbalance

  • Dehydration

  • Hemoconcentration

  • Hypovolemic shock


Infectious gastroenteritis is caused by pathogens (infectious agents). Some of the pathogens most commonly associated with infectious gastroenteritis include:

  • Bacteria (e.g., Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridia)

  • Virus (e.g., Parvovirus, Canine distemper)

  • Fungi (e.g., Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium)

  • Parasites (e.g., Roundworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms, Whipworms, Coccidia)

E. coli, Salmonella and Corynebacterium are the most significant intestinal pathogens because they can be passed from animal to human or vice versa. Salmonella infections are also important due to the association with reproductive disorders.

Sudden dietary changes and/or dietary toxins may cause irritation and/or affect the immune system. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, a chronic form of the illness, has been associated with allergens in dog foods. Gastroenteritis may be also observed due to irritation caused by stress, toxins, physical obstruction, ulcers, and abdominal disorders.

Gastroenteritis is not specific to any breed or gender, however, small breed dogs are more prone to infectious gastroenteritis.


It may be difficult to identify the cause of gastroenteritis. Therefore, invasive diagnostic procedures may be required if routine diagnostic procedures are not successful.

A brief outline of diagnostic procedures:

Medical history:

  • Physical obstruction, tumors, ulcers, intestinal blockage, etc.

  • Information about the severity, progression and magnitude of the vomiting and diarrhea

  • The vaccination record may help in ruling out a parvoviral infection

Physical observations:

  • A skin test to determine the presence and extent of dehydration

  • An abdominal palpation to check abdominal pain and/or abdominal obstruction

  • An examination of mucus membranes to determine hemorrhagic losses

  • Cardiovascular function provides information on dehydration and/or blood loss

  • Visual observation of the vomit and/or stool to determine if there is blood present

Routine blood/biochemical tests:

  • Packed cell volume (hematocrit) data to confirm hemorrhagic gastroenteritis

  • Biochemical tests (i.e., liver, kidney, blood protein, and blood sugar)

Fecal study:

  • Cultural assays to identify any potential microbiological or parasitic organisms


  • To locate any potential physical obstruction, tumor, ulcer, intestinal blockage, etc.


In most of the cases, dogs recover and respond very well. The course of treatment, however, is dependent on the underlying cause of the condition. A brief outline of treatment is given below:

  • Fluid and electrolyte therapies are important, especially in cases of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.

  • Antibiotic therapy may be restricted to animals with systemic infections.

  • Corticosteroid therapy is useful in cases of shock. Usually hypovolemic shock develops due to dehydration.

  • Dog medications that soothe the intestine and bind noxious agents can also be used in supportive therapy.

  • Parasitic infections are treated with anthelmintics.

  • Physical obstruction, ulcers and tumors may need surgical treatment.

Living and Management

An improved diet may reduce intestinal infections and other gastrointestinal disorders. The main priority should be to provide healing time for the dog's inflamed intestinal area. Thus, food and water should not be given for at least a period of 24 hours to rest the intestine. Then, provide a bland diet for three to seven days, followed by a gradual return to the dog's normal diet.

Often dietary irritants (especially protein) may lead to a recurrence of the problem. In these cases, a special hypoallergenic medical diet may be required.


Some veterinarians have recently emphasized the importance of restoring intestinal microflora through food additives (e.g., probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics) in order to prevent the infection from recurring.

If dog owners are using homemade diets, the ideal micro- and macro-nutrient profile, along with optimum energy density, must be the focus of formulation. These diets provide highly digestible nutrients, less fats and restricted osmolarity. Consult your veterinarian for a proper, well-balanced diet for your dog.

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Related: We have more information under our dog health category.