respiratory issues in cats

When to Take Your Cat to the Animal Emergency Room

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Some sure signs to bring your cat to the ER include:

  • Difficulty breathing (like open-mouth breathing, panting, or a respiratory rate over fifty breaths/minute [Tip: count the number of breaths in fifteen seconds and multiple by four to get the total breaths per minute]).

  • Hiding (under the bed, in the closet)

  • Not moving

  • Straining or making multiple trips to the litter box

  • Excessive grooming “back there” with the penis sticking out (dangerous and is typically a feline urethral obstruction or urinary blockage)

  • Lack of urine in the litter box for more than 36 hours

  • Painful when picking up

  • Profuse vomiting (more than 2-3 times in a night)

  • Excessive drooling

  • Sitting over the water bowl and not moving

  • Seizuring or twitching

  • Any kind of trauma

  • Any kind of poisoning

  • Any string hanging out of any orifice (Tip: please don’t pull! Leave all orifices to veterinary professionals).

While this list isn’t complete, it’s a good initial guideline.

If you want to be the financially savvy owner, it is best to go to your regular veterinarian before you end up with a more expensive emergency room visit. In other words, if you even have an inkling that something is wrong, better to go to your pet's veterinarian first rather than wait until Sunday night when your cat is really in dire straits (leading to a more expensive hospitalization).

When in doubt, call your veterinarian or an emergency clinic for counsel on whether to bring your cat in for an emergency visit. In fact, when in doubt, you can even go into the emergency room and potentially asked to be triaged to stabilize your pet's condition. Not all clinics will offer this, but it is worth asking. This is particularly important if you’re not sure if your cat has a urinary obstruction. Simply allow the emergency veterinarian to cop a feel of your cat’s bladder, and voila… if they don’t think your cat is blocked, they may “triage” you away to your family vet the next day.

When in doubt, it’s always safer to heed the side of caution. You won’t regret playing it too safe with your feline friend.

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Camphor poisoning in pets: the trouble with topical pain or arthritis rubs.

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Have you ever had a sore spot on an arm or leg and rubbed a patch of Tiger Balm, only to have your pet get affectionate and lick you? Or maybe they lick your hand to get your attention before you've had time to wash your hands? This could be a serious issue, resulting in an immediate call to the Pet Poison Helpline.

Camphor is commonly found in topical pain or arthritis body rubs. Examples of some common trade names containing camphor include Carmex, Tiger Balm, Vicks VapoRub, Campho-Phenique, etc. Camphor is readily absorbed across the skin, and should never be applied to dogs or cats due to risks for poisoning. Clinical signs of camphor poisoning in pets include local skin irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures (in large amounts), and even rarely, death (from respiratory depression or seizures).

Poisonous to: Cats, Dogs

Level of toxicity: Generally mild to moderate

Common signs to watch for:

  • Local skin irritation

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Depression

  • Seizures (in large amounts)

  • Death (rarely, from respiratory depression or seizures)

Alternate names: topical, Carmex, Tiger Balm, Vicks, VapoRub, Campho-Phenique, Arthritis Rub

If you think your dog or cat were exposed to camphor, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately for treatment advice.


(855) 764-7661

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Related: We have more information under our cat health + dog health category.